In order to compete in the Supercars Championship, drivers are required by sticking to a CAMS National Circuit Competition License, or a license of an equivalent or hard level. Each car entered is required to have a Racing Entitlements union (REC). A REC is a conformity in the center of Supercars and a team which outlines the team's entitlements and obligations. RECs may be leased by their owners to atypical party for a maximum of two years, after which the owner must either use it themselves or sell it. A racing number is tied to each REC, similar to teams vivacious to apply for a REC number to be distorted. The defending series champion is entitled to use the number 1, like the original REC number of that car reserved and not sprightly to be used by substitute team without the measure of its owner. About 2020 BMW M8 Supercar Preview YouTube's Pics. TITLE: 2020 BMW M8 Supercar Preview YouTube Pictures SIZE: 37.6KB Bs Foto WIDTH: 480 IMAGE HEIGHT: 360 IMAGE further united 202...